POS-I-BILL Statement Processing: GNF provides a customized invoice and statement processing service

POS-I-BILL Statement Processing

POS-I-BILL statement processing isn't like other statement processing offerings. Unlike large clearinghouses, POS-I-BILL works to develop a truly customized statement to fit the needs of the office. Gone are the days of having to make do with a software's "standard format" and its short-comings.

Accounts receivable is the lifeline of an office. A standard format statement may be negatively impacting cash flow because patients and customers don't know

  • when the payment is due,
  • how much they really owe,
  • or what the codes and aging buckets on the statement really mean

This uncertainty can seriously affect an office's cash flow. GNF can help. Customizing your statement, as well as using inserts, has significant impact to the bottom line. By designing and mailing a GNF® customized statement, an office can

  • Minimize the number of statement-related phones calls
  • Improve patient- or customer-owed collections
  • Reduce monthly statement volume
  • And Improve communication with patients or customers

Contact a GNF representative at (888) 320-7630 to Learn More.